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Healing Dysfunctional Relationships

By Pastor Dave Strem



The Old Testament is filled with examples of destructive relationships. It is actually discouraging to read through and see the number of times relationships are dysfunctional. But it is also encouraging because God is there with them and finds ways to teach and heal relationships. In Romans 15 it tells us everything that was written in the Old Testament is given to teach us that we might have the hope of living better lives, free from the sin and conflict that fills almost every page. First Corinthians 10:11 says that the things written down are warnings for us. "All these events happened to them as examples for us. They were written down to warn us, who live at the time when this age is drawing to a close."

Genesis 4 records the story about Cain and Abel. "In the course of time, Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord, but Abel brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. And the Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering, He did not look with favor." Cain was approaching God on his terms. God had instructed them what they were to do and Cain said, "Well, I want to do it my way." When you come to God, you come on His terms. He is the one that sets the standards. He is the one who sets the guidelines. Look what it says about Cain reaction. "So Cain was very angry and his face was downcast. Then the Lord said to Cain, why are you angry and why is your face downcast?" I want you to recognize that God is watching. God saw his heart. God saw his face. He knew what was going on in his life. He knows what is going on in your life. He knows what you are thinking right now. God is present. God understands. God cares. And so what does God say to Cain? "Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door. It desires to have you. But you must master it." What a picture. Sin is crouching at your door. Evil desires to have you. In other words, "Trouble lies ahead that will destroy your life but you can avoid it if you will turn to Me and do the right thing."

I want you to notice three things about this. First, God notices his face. God takes note of him. It says, "Why is your face downcast?" Literally it means, "Why is your face looking downward? Why are you looking down? Why is your face dejected? What are you looking down there for? You are not going to find any answers down there." He wants Cain to look up. Look up! When you are hurt. When you are angry. When someone does some thing to you that is unfair and unjust. When you have been violated, where do you look? The natural way is to look down. The answers you need are not there. God says, "Look up to me. Look to where the answers lie. Where is your strength? It is not down there. Look up!" God says "look up" because He wants you to have a relationship with Him that supercedes all other relationships.

Your relationship with God forms the basis of your relationships with people. It forms a foundation for you to have right relationships with others. When you understand God’s acceptance and God’s design in your heart and life, that He has gifted you in certain areas, you can put yourself in proper perspective. You can learn to relax and are free from trying to prove your superiority over other people. You see yourself as simply a gifted man or woman of God who is brought into relationship with others to bring the gifts that God has given you to those around you. And that their gifts can bless your life, as well. It is a partnership where each fills out and compensates for the weaknesses of the other. You are created in His image. Do you see yourself from God’s viewpoint? Is your opinion of yourself defined by what others say about you, what others think about you, or is it defined by the One that created you? You are created in His image. He knows your past. He sees potential for your future. He has plans for your future. Let that guide your self-image. Stop looking down. Stop looking in the mirror and look up instead. See yourself as God sees you!

Secondly, look at verse 7. It says, "…if you do what is right, will you not be accepted?" To do what is right is the second point that God wants us to understand. "To do right." Where is Cain’s face? It is down and God says, "I want to lift your face." It is the same word that is used in the Hebrew in that passage that says "He is the lifter of my head." He wants to encourage you, bring you up, accept you. Not simply as if he were putting His arm around you but He wants to lift you up that you might gain His perspective on life. Do what is right. Do not do what you feel like doing without Scripture influenced, spirit-led self-examination! Are your actions controlled by the way you feel? Are you in the habit of indulging your feelings without bringing them to the obedience of Christ first (2 Corinthians 10:5)? Or, are your actions controlled by a conscious decision to obey what God says? God has given you the ability to choose. He says, "Choose My way that your life might be blessed, that it might be well with you."

Then thirdly, look at the rest of verse 7. It says, "…but if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door. It desires to have you." Can you hear it growling? Can you hear the snarls, the claws ripping the door, the anxiousness to pounce? But God says, "…you must master it." Most of the time we hear about temptation, we recall the verse that tells us to flee from it (1 Timothy 6:11, 2 Timothy 2:22). And there are some temptations we must flee from. Sexual immorality and spiritual idolatry are two things we are called to flee. We are called to have nothing to do with them. But some temptations we are called to master. You must control them or they will control you. That is why in Ephesians 4 it says to get rid of all anger, wrath, bitterness, resentment and malice. Get rid of them! Take control of them and rip them out of your life!

How much do you really want God’s will for your life and your relationships? Do you really want it? The dysfunction will be reduced or eliminated if we look to God when we feel bad, we seek to do what is right, and we commit ourselves to master the sinful urges that well up within us before they contribute to the dysfunction.

Copyright 2005 by Pastor Dave Strem


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